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Chowmain - Experience Button Suite for Control4 OS 2.9>


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Chowmain - Experience Buttons Suite 

The Chowmain Experience Buttons Suite of drivers is designed to add additional functionality into Control4 for various Pulse buttons, On/Off type buttons and Radio Buttons. These buttons can be added to the watch, listen, security, comfort and services menu in Control4's navigator across all user interface devices. Think of them as custom buttons with an icon and feedback as to their current state. 

On/Off Based buttons Features 

  • Ability to be placed in the following menus. 
    • Watch 
    • Listen 
    • Comfort 
    • Security 
    • Services (only available on T3 touchscreens/EA Controllers) 
  • 14 different buttons to choose from 
    • On/Off 1 
    • On/Off 2 
    • On/Off 3 
    • On/Off 4 
    • Holiday Mode 1 
    • Holiday Mode 2 
    • Holiday Mode 3 
    • Holiday Mode 4 
    • Nurse Call 
    • Party Mode 1 
    • Party Mode 2 
    • Romance 
    • Tech Support 
    • Checkbox 
    • Favorites 
  • Events 
    • On 
    • Off 
  • Actions 
    • Turn On 
    • Turn Off 
  • Variables 
    • Activated 
  • Clicking on a button will toggle the state from On/Off or vice versa and fire an event. 

Radio Button Features 

  • Ability to be placed in the following menus. 
    • Watch 
    • Listen 
    • Comfort 
    • Security 
    • Services (only available on T3 touchscreens/EA Controllers) 
  • Add multiple instances of the driver and group together to create radio buttons in navigator 
  • Only one radio button can be selected at any time (just like real radio buttons). 
  • Events 
    • Selected 
    • Not Selected 
  • Actions 
    • Select Radio Button 
  • Variables 
    • Checked 


Can you give us some examples of how we could use this driver? 

  • Favorites buttons can be added to Watch/Listen and programmed to start playback of your favorite TV/Radio Channel, Movie or Playlist eg CNN, BBC, Fox FM, Alan's Playlist. 
  • Holiday Mode buttons can be used to trigger holiday mode programming whilst the home owners are away. 
  • Use the tech support button to send you, the dealer, an email notifying you that the owner requires assistance. 
  • Use the nurse call button for aged care based functionality to call the carer. 
  • The On/Off buttons and checkbox buttons can be used for various programming including boolean variable manipulation, turning automated tasks on/off and more. 
  • Radio buttons can be used to change the state of a number variable. This is useful for mode selection in the home for modes that have more than 2 options. If a mode has two options only please utilise any of the other On/Off based Experience Buttons. 

Why do you only support OS 2.9 and above? 
Experience Buttons requires new functionality only available in OS 2.9 and above. It will not work for older versions of OS. 

Can you add XYZ button to the Experience Button Suite? 

If its a good idea and generic enough where other dealers will use it then yes. You will need to provide us with an on and off PNG based image at 300x300. If you have obtained or modified any images sourced from someone else please provide any relevant licencing information that we need to abide by. 

How do I find out more information about the driver? 
Please see the links below for more information about the driver. 

Chowmain Website

Download Installation Guide

How do I buy the driver? 
This driver is developed by Chowmain software & apps and is distributed and supported by Houselogix, Inc. 

Download Driver / Purchase Licence

Who do i contact for technical support? 
This driver is developed by Chowmain software & apps and is distributed and supported by Houselogix, Inc. 


Do you provide trial licences? 
All Chowmain drivers for Control4 come with a 48 hour trial. This is activated once you add the driver to the project. No additional steps are necessary. 


Guest Services Example


Watch Example


Listen Example

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I must say this looks pretty neat Alan! I will definitely be using the 48 hour trial when I get a free moment. I will most likely buy...

What would be really nice (an enhancement request) is if you could have one of your buttons open up another page (like extras in comfort currently does) and put your buttons in that new page also... Then one could also use this driver to create menus in menus etc.  much like one can currently do with StartHere! 

Two other nice add ons would be:

1. To be able to include a text box with a few lines of text in place of a row of buttons...

2. To have the ability to paste your own icon in to the button (I assume one can already change the text on the button and one is not stuck with Check box, Holiday 1 etc.).

You will gather from my suggestions that I am seeing ways of making your driver mimic StartHere! but work on all the new hardware and be infinitely more powerful.

By way of example (requiring all 3 of my suggested enhancements),  one of the very basic things I have in StartHere at present is the ability to choose a keypad backlight colour for each of upstairs and downstairs separately for day and night (4 options, 7 colours). If your driver allowed a page to pop up, the 4 options could be in the comfort page and all of them would call up an identical second page (with 7 buttons each with an appropriate coloured circle in the centre of the button - these would act as a radio button). One could then have a text entry below the buttons that reminds the user what they are currently doing and says "Upstairs daytime backlights are set to blue" and changes dynamically as one changes the selection or enters the page from a different button in the first place.

I have currently kept two of my Touchscreens as V2s for two reasons (a lack of book marking ability and the inability to use StartHere! on the new Touchscreens). Your driver as it stands now would go half way to removing my reliance on StartHere! And if the above 3 changes were made, I could come off StartHere! alltogether... one can dream!

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Unfortunately the new UIButton proxy isn't as flexible as you think it is.  OS 2.9 cannot do any of your feature requests.  Trust me if I could I would have already made something like what you're after.

you can change the text but images are hard coded into the actual driver itself.  If you have any good suggestions that are generic and useful to everyone let me know.

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Alan-  I'm trying to understand the 'experience buttons' vs the buttons C4 already uses.  Is it like having a TV button under watch but shows the TV on vs off (black tv button)?  Possibly a window or door button with one being open and another being closed? (such as how the garage door button shows this)?


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15 minutes ago, Gene said:

Alan-  I'm trying to understand the 'experience buttons' vs the buttons C4 already uses.  Is it like having a TV button under watch but shows the TV on vs off (black tv button)?  Possibly a window or door button with one being open and another being closed? (such as how the garage door button shows this)?


The best way to describe it is as such.  You know those Custom Button's Control4 has had for years that you can program anything on.  Wouldn't it be great if you could get feedback for those buttons?  Well now you can with pretty icons.

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9 hours ago, knowitall said:

I don't supposed they can be added to the main c4 homepage tho ?


im in the dark ages with a 250 and old TS. 

Experience buttons can be added to

watch, listen, comfort, security & services sub menus.

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  • 1 month later...
15 hours ago, South Africa C4 user said:

I see you've added some white goods Experience Buttons - very cool!

A day / night Button would be a very useful addition.

So would a countdown button where it counts down in days rather than hours or minutes.  Alternatively, a countdown button where the user controls when the number changes...

Yes we are going to announce those buttons today.  You will be able to integrate white goods/appliances via IFTTT or relays.   IFTTT supports integration of GE, Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, Bosch & Siemens appliances.  Some with feedback only others with control and feedback.  The experience buttons can be used for both one way feedback or control and feedback.

I don't quite understand what the day/night button would do... wouldn't that be automated by the scheduler's astronomical clock?

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10 hours ago, alanchow said:

Yes we are going to announce those buttons today.  You will be able to integrate white goods/appliances via IFTTT or relays.   IFTTT supports integration of GE, Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, Bosch & Siemens appliances.  Some with feedback only others with control and feedback.  The experience buttons can be used for both one way feedback or control and feedback.

I don't quite understand what the day/night button would do... wouldn't that be automated by the scheduler's astronomical clock?

Sorry! I had not meant to jump in ahead of your announcement!  Keep up th egood work...

My thoughts on the day / night Button was really just an on/off switch where on shows a daylight picture (sun rising) and off shows a nighttime scene (moon and stars).  I was looking for an Experience Button like this when I was setting up some control for irrigation.  I have an option for morning or night and rather than using a radio button, I thought an icon swapping between day and night would work... I can see other uses for a button with 3 states, day, night and 24/7.

Hope that makes sense?

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/7/2016 at 0:31 AM, South Africa C4 user said:

Sorry! I had not meant to jump in ahead of your announcement!  Keep up th egood work...

My thoughts on the day / night Button was really just an on/off switch where on shows a daylight picture (sun rising) and off shows a nighttime scene (moon and stars).  I was looking for an Experience Button like this when I was setting up some control for irrigation.  I have an option for morning or night and rather than using a radio button, I thought an icon swapping between day and night would work... I can see other uses for a button with 3 states, day, night and 24/7.

Hope that makes sense?


I would like this too and would use it as a "Bedtime" button.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2017-4-28 at 2:39 AM, msgreenf said:


Can you consider adding relay bindings to these buttons?

Also noticed the on/off 1 in the documentation tab it calls it on/off 2

Not at this stage.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 months later...
42 minutes ago, jfh said:

Any plans to add additional buttons to the suite?

From time to time we add buttons to the suite but it largely depends on demand.  Our last update including all the white good buttons what work nicely with our IFTTT driver and also with our smart plug/outlet drivers.


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  • 1 year later...

@alanchow - love this suite of drivers and use it daily.  But, some of these are not working properly in OS3.1. In particular some (e.g. the check box) does not update its status if it is favorited to the main room page.  It still works in (for instance) the Comfort menu.  The problem appears on T3s but it works fine on an iPad.  I have the same issue at my main home and my holiday home and am 99.9% sure that this problem was not there in OS3.0.

Other button types (e.g. holiday) work fine.  

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