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How to replace room power off sequence


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I am trying to work around a behavior with the Tivo driver, where it puts the Tivo in standby mode when I turn the room off.  The problem is that the Tivo doesn't wake up properly due to an error that was introduced in a recent update.  My planned solution is to replace the standard room off behavior with my own - with a script (turn off the TV & receiver only).  But the script doesn't seem to work.

I am using the event "When the room turns off", but the room off behavior doesn't seem to make the script run.  Is there some other way that I can make this happen?  What I really want is to have the script run when I press the "Room Off" button.

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1) if it is an IR driver it can be edited to use a different "on/off" command if the driver is not encrypted - you need Composer Pro for that or in other word your dealer

2) from what I understand the TiVo goes to standby but doesn't wake up correctly when the room is again powered on - right !? - if that is the case a different solution can be to send an additional "on" command  after the TiVo powered "on" - In Programming go to the TiVo and select "power on" and just ad a delay of 1 or 2 seconds and the additional or correct command to turn it on.

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Thanks for the quick response.  I am looking for something that I can do with HE - and the unit uses IP.  The issue with Tivo is a little more subtle than just not turning on - it does come out of standby, but does not properly drive the HDMI output.  Weird, right?  So turning it on again would not help.  You need to go to the unit (which is downstairs), and turn it on and off by hand.  I need to somehow prevent the unit from going into standby.

Is there some way to intercept the "Room Off" key on the navigator with my own script?

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a dirty fix would be a WeMo until the driver is fixed. I am pretty sure that you cannot modify the "off" command via script if the driver properties do not allows to select the power-off action (some driver allow that)

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This explains a TiVo problem I just saw the other day.  In my case, power cycling the video matrix fixed it, but I'd rather just not put the TiVo in standby in the first place.

The IP driver is unencrypted - it might be easy to just delete sending the Standby command if not making it an option on the properties page.  I have a copy of the Driver editor and could try it if someone can send/point me to the driver.

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is there a Denon AVR in the mix by chance? I had a similar issue but not with tivo specifically.

the symptom you are describing was happening to me about 75% of the time with all my sources and a new Denon AVR i had purchased. I had to go into the settings of the AVR and disable a couple of things including CEC pass through.

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If the driver is unencrypted you could add a properties box which lets you choose whether to put the box into standby or not. Take a look at a kaleidesape driver, they have this option. It would be easy enough to add.

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Is the only change you made removing STANDBY from the IRCODE parameter for the OFF CMD?


I may look at trying to adding a Power Off parameter (NONE or STANDBY) and support for some of the new Bolt functions, assuming I can use Driver Editor to change it and get someone to update the driver in my project.


Anyone know where the drivers are stored on the controller?  Maybe I could get around not having Pro if I could just replace an existing driver on disk directly on the controller...  

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you should be using the IR tivo driver and if you use the official driver, it allows you to set power management.  This is available in Composer Pro and the Online database.



You want to be using the driver last modified on 6/23/2015

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13 hours ago, jfh said:

Is the only change you made removing STANDBY from the IRCODE parameter for the OFF CMD?


I may look at trying to adding a Power Off parameter (NONE or STANDBY) and support for some of the new Bolt functions, assuming I can use Driver Editor to change it and get someone to update the driver in my project.


Anyone know where the drivers are stored on the controller?  Maybe I could get around not having Pro if I could just replace an existing driver on disk directly on the controller...  

You can edit a c4i driver in notepad.

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2 minutes ago, VideoDemon said:


Can you please provide the details on the new Tivo driver so that I am sure I get the one that has this option?  Is it one from Contro4, and if so (or not), what is the version?



look at my post a few up, that is the details.  

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2 hours ago, VideoDemon said:


Can you please provide the details on the new Tivo driver so that I am sure I get the one that has this option?  Is it one from Contro4, and if so (or not), what is the version?



its a whole new driver not sure if it is .c4z but i am sure it is since it is using sddp

its called tivo roamio / model 3+

searching tivo in the database brings it right up




IP Control Driver for TiVo's Roamio, and Series 3+ TiVo devices.


1) Turn on the TiVo's 'Network Remote Control' under Settings & Messages -> Settings -> Remote, CableCARD, & Devices
2) Add driver to project
3) Make A/V bindings to TV or receiver
4) Make IP connection with TiVo IP Address.  TODO: How to do SDDP setup on TiVo Roamio...
5) Refresh Navigators


Power Management on this driver may be selected on the Properties Page. The options include:

On: Control4 will manage power and send the 'TIVO' command for 'on', and the 'STANDBY' command for 'off'.
Off: Control4 will not manage power on the TiVo.

On the TiVo Mini, the 'Set Channel' command is unsupported.  If using this driver with the TiVo Mini, set the 'Channel Entry' property to 'Numeric Keys'.

The 'Skip Forward' button on the Control4 remote adds a 30s increment for each button press.  Pressing 'Fast Forward' before 'Skip Forward', 'Skip Forward' will advance to the next TiVo timeline 'Time Marker'.

The 'Skip Backward' button on the Control4 remote skips backwards 9s increment for each button press.  Pressing 'Fast Rewind' before 'Skip Backward' , 'Skip Backward' will skip back to the previous TiVo timeline 'Time Marker'.

'Page Up/Down' keys on the Control4 remote have been mapped to the 'Thumbs Up/Down' TiVo controls.  This can be changed on the Properties page of the driver.

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  • 2 weeks later...

VideoDemon, I'm curious if you fixed this?  My rep recently upgraded mine and I am having the exact same issue. 

If I am reading the details of the driver right, the best thing for me to do is to contact my dealer and have him disable this Manage Power option to not send the STANDBY message

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Hi Lonestar,

Yes, the dealer updated to the latest Tivo Roamio driver, and there was an option in the properties page that controls the power management.  The dealer set it to not have the system control the power (I assume that I could have done the same thing with HE), and it has eliminated the problem.  The Tivo no longer goes into standby, so the issue does not occur.

You might go into your Roamio to ensure that you have the Tivo itself not go into standby.  There are several settings, and if you have any of the low power modes enabled, you're going to have the same issue.

Beyond that - hard to say.  I believe that the driver is the new standard Roamio driver.

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