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Interlogix Concord 4 version and new C4 driver


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have upgraded my Concord 4 and the interface works great but it appears I cannot program a custom button anymore to disarm the system.  Looks like the only way to actually disarm is to use the keypads or the interface on my iPhone since it has a pop up window to enter your security code after you press the "disarm" button in red.  Cool feature but I Lost my ability to turn off alarm from garage door opening or using my Kwikset door locks.  Am I missing something in the driver?  

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The new proxy has the ability to set a default code for each partition.  I expect the idea is that it will use this default code when you programmatically arm or disarm the system.  Unfortunately, this does not seem to work.  I've seen reports for multiple security panels stating that this functionality does not work.  I assume the concord 4 driver has the same problem.  I'm not sure if this is a proxy problem or a failure in the protocol driver to read the default user code if set.  Since all the security panel protocol drivers are encrypted there is no way to be sure.

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You assume wrong - it works fine on the Concord4, though I cannot speak for others.

You can no longer program 'key presses' as you once could - and yes you would create a separate user and code - those credentials then get entered under the appropriate partition(s) and you can programmatically disarm. Arming also assumes it will not require a code to arm.

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I have an older GE panel that is version 4.69.2717 and my installer and I are having some problems with the new driver.  I see that some of you are running older versions than mine and have successfully installed the new driver with the new interface.  The symptoms we are seeing is that the old security interface shows in navigator (keypad with display and arm / disarm buttons) and communication between C4 and the Superbus interface / panel doesn't work.  We're not sure why the old interface shows up at all, given that the old driver where that interface resides isn't bound to anything in the project.  Can anyone make any recommendations of what we might look at to get the new driver working properly? 


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5 hours ago, Cyknight said:

Sounds like the old security driver is still the security endpoint for those rooms.

Beyond that it is STRONGLY recommended to not add a security driver to a project that already has one. Delete both - start anew.

Thanks Cyknight!  Removing the old, unused driver did the trick.

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Back again.

The new driver is installed and works ... kinda.  When I go to arm the system it is prompting for a passcode.  I have "quick arming" turned on and that is supposed to eliminate the need for a passcode when arming the system.  When I enter the passcode, the voice announcement module says "exit lights off", flashes the same message on the screen and starts the countdown.  When I disarm the system it flashes a message on the touch screen saying "latchkey off".  

The intended functions are successful, but how do I eliminate the need for a passcode and how do I get rid of the verbal and text messages on the screen?

It doesn't sound like this is problem for everyone else with older panels who has the new driver installed..

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On 1/10/2016 at 8:37 PM, rayk32 said:

Back again.

The new driver is installed and works ... kinda.  When I go to arm the system it is prompting for a passcode.  I have "quick arming" turned on and that is supposed to eliminate the need for a passcode when arming the system.  When I enter the passcode, the voice announcement module says "exit lights off", flashes the same message on the screen and starts the countdown.  When I disarm the system it flashes a message on the touch screen saying "latchkey off".  

The intended functions are successful, but how do I eliminate the need for a passcode and how do I get rid of the verbal and text messages on the screen?

It doesn't sound like this is problem for everyone else with older panels who has the new driver installed..

Cyknight or anyone familiar with this issue, please respond with your advice.

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I would look at the security panel - first, one would assume the exit lights and latching is a matter of some odd programming in the panel itself - the feedback you see is coming from the panel - not C4 itself.


As for quick-arm, this may be a problem with the version - or double check you indeed have quick-arm enabled (and not quick-exit)

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Thanks again, Cyknight.  I programmed the alarm and don't recall configuring lights or latchkey (don't have either) but will look at the alarm programming.  I definitely have quick arm set to ENABLE.

Even though my panel seems to be newer than others who have successfully upgraded, I guess it is plausible my panel revision 4.69.2717 is incompatible.  I hate the idea of replacing the panel, reprogramming the alarm and having my installer add it back into my project.

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17 hours ago, rayk32 said:

Thanks again, Cyknight.  I programmed the alarm and don't recall configuring lights or latchkey (don't have either) but will look at the alarm programming.  I definitely have quick arm set to ENABLE.

Even though my panel seems to be newer than others who have successfully upgraded, I guess it is plausible my panel revision 4.69.2717 is incompatible.  I hate the idea of replacing the panel, reprogramming the alarm and having my installer add it back into my project.

I had to do the same for mine. I was running of version 4.7. So I bought  a brand new one from ebay - online security for about $70 and then about $200 to program and the cost of C4 dealer.

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  • 1 month later...

So I got the driver installed and it works great. One note regarding this one vs. the old driver: The old driver allowed you to do different programming based on if you armed the alarm to "away" or "stay."  The only way that I could see doing that with the new driver would be to add a qualifier under the partition and have different programming of the state if "stay" or "away" was true/false. Are there any other ways to do it? Thanks.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi everyone.  Great thread!  My board is version 4.40 and what caused me to re-examine was moving from the HC800 to the EA-5.  About every 10th arm/disarm, even though the alarm shows disarmed on the panel, Control4 shows it as armed which then messes up my triggers for other events.

My question is, do I understand correctly that i MUST have the new board in order for the new driver to work properly?  Wasnt clear from EDDY if he was able to get it to work perfectly with the older board.  Thanks in advance everyone.

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