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HCE and Windows 10


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Does anyone have any information on when Control4 will fully support windows 10?


I am able to connect to the syeytem locally from HCE on my windows 10 laptop but when I am away, I am not able to connect.  It seems that windows 10 and open vpn don't work together.  I understand this is the same for the dealer version of composer.  This is the same in both HCE 2.7.x and 2.8.



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When I try and connect remotly:


Determining host name...


Connecting to my.control4.com...

Verifying account, username, and password...


It just hangs and goes no further.


I can connect to the system via the control4 site with no issue so I know my credentials are valid.  I can connect on a w7 machine.  I cannot connect on a windows 10 pro 64 nit machine.  When I look at the release notes for 2.8 HCE it only says it works with windows 7, 8 and vista.


I know of another person having the same issue with windows 10.

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HE for some reason is uninstalling the adapter driver, but not installing it.


You can for now manually just download it from OenVPN's site: https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html


Scroll down for Tap-Windows, installer NDIS6 - when prompted to select what to install once downloaded, you only need the virtual ethernet.


One thing I have on occasion noticed, that sometimes you need to open the network and sharing centre for the virtual network to start (network icon, right click open network and sharing centre - that's all you need to do).

This last bit may have more to do with my laptop mind you - it did this in Win8 and Win 8.1 as well so....

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Same issue using windows 7, that fix won't work.

Can connect using 2.72 but not 2.8


The RemoteAccess directory files in 2.8 nowhere close to 2.72.


Been in touch with Control4, they solved it by telling me it's my computer.........not pleased right now.


Just a end user !

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Same issue using windows 7, that fix won't work.

Can connect using 2.72 but not 2.8


The RemoteAccess directory files in 2.8 nowhere close to 2.72.


Been in touch with Control4, they solved it by telling me it's my computer.........not pleased right now.


Just a end user !


Have you tried manually installing the driver? After you did, did you try opening up network and sharing centre?

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I tried Control4's fix

Install 2.72 then 2.8 and that would solve my problem.


 I've tried this each way to Sunday and it becomes quite obvious that 2.72 and 2.8 operate in their own environment and do not propagate, install drivers

in the system.  I am not as savvy as most here but if you can point me into the right direction I would appreciate it.


I noticed that the "RemoteAccess" directory content of 2.8 is seriously different from 2.72/2.7/2.6 


I can connect to 2.8 system using 2.72 so how can my (network settings be the culprit)

Now for the stupid question (s) 


Witch file is the driver (assume I find it in 2.72) dll,inf ??????

How do I install it


Hate to ask



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I can't thank you enough.

I uninstalled 2.72 and 2.8.

Installed 2.8 and then 2.72 was pretty sure I had tried that one, still no dice.


I installed the driver as per your recommendation at beginning of post and voila I am connected remotely to my system as I type this.

Control4 tech was blaming my Mac // setup and wanted me to try it on a Windows machine when all along 2.72 was connecting, not to mention he did not think

HE could connect remotely .


Thank you so much for putting me out of my misery (so to speak)  :rolleyes:

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