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2.8 updates


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I don't see any SEARCH function on the SR250 remote....

I still think the idea of having to roll through every letter of the alphabet without being to multitap on the numerical keys is cumbersome.  Even if you select ALL under like ARTISTS, you still can't do the numerical button taps as you used to be able to do.

If it isn't broken, don't fix it....

What we are talking about specifically is being able to search with the touchscreens and mobile devices primarily. Secondarily with the remote on the on-screen, but as you mention there's no T9 texting ability on the remote. You can page down though instead of scrolling its a bit faster. And yes, it was broken without search and they did make it much better by including it. IMO.

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Reading through the new OS 2.8 update info on Control4.com and it says you can now stream from iOS devices without having ANY additional hardware.  I was thinking of getting a music bridge because of our new Family Plan on Apple Music.  Can you really stream anything or just music on your iOS device.  And...  how does it work?


It's airplay, requires an HC800 - and yes, whatever you can airplay from your phone would work.

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Anyone see that the Vista driver is not available yet?  I asked my dealer and he said it's not in the driver list in Composer yet....


Not sure on all the details on this by a long shot - but I think the Vista driver will depend on the 4232 module, not the Vista ICM (just a heads up, and as said - not SURE on this).

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What we are talking about specifically is being able to search with the touchscreens and mobile devices primarily. Secondarily with the remote on the on-screen, but as you mention there's no T9 texting ability on the remote. You can page down though instead of scrolling its a bit faster. And yes, it was broken without search and they did make it much better by including it. IMO.

I disagree that it's "much better" at least on the SR250.  I hardly ever use onscreen menus on mobile or TV and rely primarily on my SR250s that I have throughout the house.  Scrolling through 26 letters in the alphabet is far more cumbersome than tapping on a button 1, 2, or 3 times to say advance to the letter W rather than hit page down, page down, page down, page down, page down.  At least if you select the ALL choice which lists all of the ARTISTS as it used to, why can't the numerical multi-tap feature be left intact???

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I disagree that it's "much better" at least on the SR250.  I hardly ever use onscreen menus on mobile or TV and rely primarily on my SR250s that I have throughout the house.  Scrolling through 26 letters in the alphabet is far more cumbersome than tapping on a button 1, 2, or 3 times to say advance to the letter W rather than hit page down, page down, page down, page down, page down.  At least if you select the ALL choice which lists all of the ARTISTS as it used to, why can't the numerical multi-tap feature be left intact???

I never said it was better on the SR250, just the proxy providing search in general now and the ability to do so on the touch capable interfaces - and i agree with your complaint about T9. Dont know why it was removed.

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I disagree that it's "much better" at least on the SR250. I hardly ever use onscreen menus on mobile or TV and rely primarily on my SR250s that I have throughout the house. Scrolling through 26 letters in the alphabet is far more cumbersome than tapping on a button 1, 2, or 3 times to say advance to the letter W rather than hit page down, page down, page down, page down, page down. At least if you select the ALL choice which lists all of the ARTISTS as it used to, why can't the numerical multi-tap feature be left intact???

It's strange. This still works on my movies just not my music?

Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk

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Very cool update control4!


So with Airplay....what is my iphone connecting to?  Is it the house wifi (from my router)   or is it the actual HC800?  


If its the HC800  is there a way to get that signal stronger/repeated.  Problem I have is that currently not all places in the house can "airplay"



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Very cool update control4!


So with Airplay....what is my iphone connecting to?  Is it the house wifi (from my router)   or is it the actual HC800?  


If its the HC800  is there a way to get that signal stronger/repeated.  Problem I have is that currently not all places in the house can "airplay"


It's Airplay - so you need to be on the (same) WiFi as the controller is networked to.

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So if I upgrade to 2.8 my hc-800 with no extra hardware can accept AirPlay and then send to zones in house? So I could have Apple Music on my iPhone, select AirPlay and pick my hc-800?

I saw some posts in this thread on this but I'm assuming I'm not reading it correctly as I don't see this in any of the control4 marketing stuff (but maybe just did not find it)?

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So if I upgrade to 2.8 my hi-800 with no extra hardware can accept AirPlay and then send to zones in house? So I could have Apple Music on my iPhone, select AirPlay and pick my hi-800?

I saw some posts in this thread on this but I'm assuming I'm not reading it correctly as I don't see this in any of the control4 marketing stuff (but maybe just did not find it)?

To hopefully clear this up:


*You MUST have an HC800 as your MAIN controller.

*You MUST be on 2.8 (and up obviously)


*You can then add one or MORE ShairBridge drivers to your system.

*Each of these drivers will create an airplay point on your system that you can have named as you like.

*These Airplay options work as any other Airplay would, with all it's options, restrictions, features and failures.


*You can program these drivers to automatically turn on rooms if you like (eg have one driver per kid's room, have it turn that room on automatically)

*You can CHOOSE to have ShairBridge ignore device volume (to use C4 volume) or set to to use device volume (you'll have to have default volumes set or programming attached) so you can use your phone's volume buttons for control.


*This does NOT require any additional hardware.

*There is NO hard restriction on the number of drivers - though too many drivers running may cause issues of many sorts, ranging from overloading you system (have ran 5 streams at the same time without issues or even spiking the controller though) via overloading your network/wifi (this will depend wholly on what you have) to causing issues with Airplay not all showing (an issue I've seen many times when having a lot of airplay receivers in a system and is Apple related - oh wait Apple says that can't be the case)

*While an HC800 is required to be the main controller - all other controllers (supported in your software version that is) can OUTPUT the stream as desired - this also includes the speaker points.

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I am building a new house and I am hoping to confirm through this forum the best security solution for integration into C4.


I am thinking a DSC PowerSeries Neo panel with the IT-230 interface module.


Can someone confirm my understanding based on an earlier post in this thread that C4 has a working driver for this setup?


Thank you very much.

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NEO doesn't use the it-230.


To the best of my knowledge they are working on/looking to do a driver for the it-230 for powerseries (non neo) and a tl-280 for the NEO. But nothing is certain yet until it's out. Pretty likely yes. Sure - never.


As it stands, Concord4 is still the easiest unit, especially within the current confines of there being a new proxy driver for it. Alternatively you can do DSC PowerPCxxxx series with an it-100 and a 3rd party driver.

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Guys just an FYI. If you add the new Concord4 driver, once all your bindings are done... if you go to the main security panel page on a touchscreen it will show you the firmware version on the first page. Also, we have tried this on 3 firmware versions, 2 old with 1 being very old. Basic functionality is consistent on all versions. However as you move back through old versions you will lose things like history, and with my very old one you would lose sensor visibility. Time for me to upgrade anyway.  

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