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Different info


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This is strange, when I log into 4sight on my computer, it tells me the temperature at the thermostat is 19 degrees celsius.  If I use the control 4 app on my android phone it says the temperature is 18 degrees celsius. Im am on version 2.6, and it's a control4 thermostat.


Any ideas?




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It's possible what you see is that one rounds up, the other rounds down - the old C4 thermostat only showed full degree Celsius so you may actually be hoovering at 18.5 degrees.


New Tstat (and new interface/driver also needed) are with decimals on Celsius for those wondering. 3rd party tstats would need updated drivers by the way to show it.



For those in the US - that means it can only show the (rough) equivalent of 2 degree Fahrenheit steps.

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Ok thanks for the info.


To add a little more information, the thermostat itself (only have one) says 18 degrees, phone says 18 degrees, and 4sight says 19 degrees.  I guess the rounding would make sense, but not sure why it wouldn't just take the reading from the thermostat.


Not a big deal, just thought I'd throw it out there.



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