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Slow Notifications in 2.7

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I used to have emails to text previously, with 2.7 we changed to notifications. The notifications take a lot more time to receive than the emails to text. Yesterday I timed one and it took more then 5 minutes to receive the notification on my phone.

Is this normal? Is there anything to do to make them faster, or should I return to email to text?

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Strange, mine are opposite. My push notifications are much quicker then email notifications. Do you mind if I look into this for you? What's your customer.control4.com account name?




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Your programming is causing the delay. For instant you have a night time conditional that needs to hit with a 5 minute timer inside then it would go to your other conditional to send a push notification if that condition is met. 


If you want a quicker response on the push notifications, then place the push notification conditional before the conditional with the 5 minute delay. 


I hope this helps.


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