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Rhapsody cutting songs

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  "Whoever" will fix it sooner or later.  



Sooner or later is not good enough on a product that is a regular recurring monthly fee.  You're mixing apples and oranges.


I have a lot of regular recurring monthly fees.  I don't have patience or money to let the ones that don't work drain my account indefinitely with incompetent tech support to back it up.  That's the way this started.

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Sooner or later is not good enough on a product that is a regular recurring monthly fee.  You're mixing apples and oranges.


I have a lot of regular recurring monthly fees.  I don't have patience or money to let the ones that don't work drain my account indefinitely with incompetent tech support to back it up.  That's the way this started.

You're right!!

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Ok now to me this is amazing. I was listening to Neal Diamond hot august night on a downloaded to nas cd with audio dropouts. Purchased a new cd to replace what I thought was defective one. Had the same dropout at the exact same spot on the new the cd. So I go to rhapsody and find the same hot augest night cd and guess what the same audio dropout on the rhapsody in exact same place as the copied cds. So I would think it was a c4 problem rather than a rhapsody problem. I will contact C4

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Digital- I come on here and report problems very infrequently and at a level that is not alarming.  If I get no response, I move on and try my best to find a way around it.  HA is far from perfect and should be kept in the mind as such.  You want play tit for tat, you do it with someone else.

Things would be just fine if you kept to yourself just like you supposedly do with your own system....and move on.  You are providing nothing constructive to this thread.

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No change here; same songs cutting out before they finish. I had the C4 rep in yesterday installing a MusicBridge and ask him about this and he said he's heard about this issue from other clients. He had no idea of the cause except to suspect it's a C4 problem since C4 only let's services communicate to the C4 system through C4's own servers for security reasons.


I thought I'd try something...someone earlier listed a song that was cutting out for them. I tried the same song, found 2 versions and tried each one, they all played out just fine. I don't know if that song is now working for them, but my experience has been once a song cuts out early, it never plays to full length. So does that mean the songs that are cutting out short for me are playing just fine for others?


My wife seems to think that songs that were cutting out, play fine if the entire album is played. I'll have to test that out and report back.

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I swiched over from the $10 plan to $5 plan about six months ago. I noticed a big delay in the begging of each song but to be hoenest I don't remember if it was after swtiching to $5 plan. Couple weeks ago when we updated the firmware to latest version  I no longer can play any songs. The music and artist all shows up and it seems normal but when I press play I get the stream success error and no musinc. Both Pandoa and intune works just fine. I am willing to upgrade my plan if this is the cause but dont want to give Rhapsody any moe $ as I am not getting anything right now for my $5. Any thoughts on what could be wrong? I see you all haveing song cut offs but I am not getting any music at all.  

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Can't be a region or bandwidth issue, I am in South Africa and have a 40mb pipe don't have bandwidth problems. I have the full Rhapsody plan and use Rhapsody extensively in my family from sonos to both my wife and I have BMW live apps which integrates with Rhapsody's. We both have extensive playlists and albums and it all works perfectly. On C4 I have tried from playing a suggested playlist, my playlist single song a searched song. Every single one of the songs cut. All my other Rhapsody interfaces work, iPhone, Windows Phone, Windows PC, BMW cars, Sonos even my Yamaha receiver which has a Rhapsody account and agent works and its very basic.

It is def a C4 issue and its poor that it takes so long for such a crucial service - crucial for someone that has a system like this. I hope they sort out their issues....

Sent from my Nokia 930

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C4 wants to blame rhapsody. I just sent another email explaining that when I play a music file through my HC-800 I get the same dropouts.


Is there someone specifically at C4 is saying this is a Rhapsody problem?  It might technically be a Rhapsody problem but since no other interface has this issue they may have to work together to fix it.  I got the impression that was where both companies were on this in my communications with both sides.  Hopefully they provide regular updates as this drags on.

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And has been for awhile, and WITH Rhapsody so I understand. Problem being that it isn't consistent (like to believe it or not, not everyone is having this issue by a long shot) or so I understand. Potential fix in upcoming update.


Pointing fingers get no-one anywhere. My guess is likely it's some sort of update on Rhapsody's side, which isn't an issue for most interfaces but is for Control4. Apparently they've been communicating to trace and get it fixed - that's the only thing of real importance.

Who's to blame? Probably both, or neither. Reports from either C4 or Rhapsody tech support about it being new etc or that they haven't talked to each other mean absolutely nothing. Nothing against either group but they'll have no real knowledge of what the actual engineers on either side are up to anymore than I do unless/until they actually are given specific info on it.

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But everyone here keeps saying that its just a Rhapsody problem. I'm not trying to point fingers. I just want to make sure that control4 knows that I am having the same exact dropouts playing music files through the HC-800. My response from control4 made no mention of this problem just the problem with Rhapsody.

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There's people saying either way - you stated C4 was blaming rhapsody. Everything that either Rhapsody OR C4 supposedly said is second hand information - not trying to dicredit anyone here myself, but I've heard NO Control4 statement saying it's Rhapsody, nor any statement direct from Rhapsody that it's all C4.


The most reliable information that I'VE heard say anything direct on the subject (not here) is that they're cooperating to fix the issue, and that they think they've found the underlying reason - whatever that may be.

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The response I got from my mail to them yesterday was:


Hi xxx,

Thank you for your email, this is a known issue right now that has been an issue for some customer, we are investigating with Rhapsody on this, we do not have a current ETA on the fix, but it will be released remotely when we find a fix for it. In the meantime, turning off Rhapsody and turning it back on has seemed to temporarily fix it.

Thank you,


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There's people saying either way - you stated C4 was blaming rhapsody. Everything that either Rhapsody OR C4 supposedly said is second hand information - not trying to dicredit anyone here myself, but I've heard NO Control4 statement saying it's Rhapsody, nor any statement direct from Rhapsody that it's all C4.


The most reliable information that I'VE heard say anything direct on the subject (not here) is that they're cooperating to fix the issue, and that they think they've found the underlying reason - whatever that may be.


Well, I understand in some cases tech support isn't much above second hand information, but from my first contact with Rhapsody technical support, I told them I had to deal with somebody that understands Control4 because I knew they typical support person there would not have a clue.  If they want to take that and run with it and spread FUD (they were the ones on the 17th that said they knew nothing about the problem with Control4 and then on the 19th blamed it on Control4 needing to update firmware) then my only other alternative besides believing them was just waiting it out and hoping a problem they refused to acknowledge was magically fixed.  I never got FUD from my Control4 contact, but because of the dealer model, it made sense they weren't the first one to contact (I also don't pay Control4 a monthly fee for the service and presumably, competent tech support).


So basically, I think you are mis-characterizing things just a hair.  Of course, you are basically right, as usual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The gist of it is, is that C4 is requesting for more info from users/dealers regarding what tracks, artists, etc. and what the Track ID is for the songs that experience this.  They are working to find a resolution but it is so few and far between all systems, that they are having a difficult time finding the issue.


I use Rhapsody a lot at home ad didn't experience this issue until the other weekend, where a playlist that I always play while working at home, experienced cutting songs off early.

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Well, they haven't asked me for more details and I think I was one of the first ones in contact with them.  Its practically every song I play, I really don't think it is hitting some tracks and not others.


They've got my and others Rhapsody user names, you'd think Rhapsody could provide them aggregated data on problem tracks at that point (I would hope they can tell which songs don't play completely as opposed to me intentionally skipping tracks).  If they need my permission to do that they also haven't asked.


Thanks for the update.

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Control4 is telling me that they are still working on the issue and they will inform those affected when fixed.  So I have to decide what my tolerance level is before I try to get some kind of compensation from Rhapsody for the downtime...after dealing with their support once, probably 2-3 months of this before I would attempt to talk to them again ;)

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Apologies for the long post but it's a long-running issue. 


My story starts in May of this year when I first got the "Stream error: Communications error" on my C4 panel. It seemed to be just certain songs (naturally just before the Comfortably Numb guitar solo, or the cool part in Amsterdam) but this soon evolved to my entire playlist. Cutting out mid song, not playing some songs ever, Stream Error, etc. I reached out to my AV guy who responded with "It has something to do with the providers network switches, from what we have been told."


I pressed and a week later (5/19) got back the following: "I spoke with Control4 this morning about the TuneIn problem we were having with your iPad app. They wanted me to check and see if you were running 2.5.4 Control4 App. I believe you are but they wanted me to check. They are going to run a test using your switching scenario. They will let us know what they find.  "


I always update my apps so that wasn't it.  Things have gotten worse since then. At times it's so bad it takes a good two minutes in between songs. 


Come June I started getting "Stream Error: Rhapsody Service Error” on a majority of songs in my playlist.  13 of 16 songs are giving that error while three play fine. I tried everything: rebooted the router, wireless router, and network switch but Rhapsody just won't play music or drops halfway through songs and others it simply won't play. 


It was then the C3 Music Bridge crapped out after a mere two months on the job (anyone else have that issue?). 


It took me .012 seconds to see that C4 has been dealing with this problem since August 2012 http://www.c4forums.com/topic/11301-rhapsody-error/ and as always say "we're aware of the issue and are working to get it resolved."




I've been monitoring the forums and watching the response, or lack-thereof, from C4 and it's gone no_where. No. Where.  


At this point I'm just plain pissed. My wife gets angry every time Rhapsody cuts out, the music bridge broke within months of install, the UI on the C4 panels is dog crap, I seriously feel buyer's remorse with the C4 system I paid A LOT of money (as we all have) and worked hard to convince my wife this system was the best route. Frankly it's embarrassing too as I look and feel like a chump for investing so much into a system that doesn't even stream music. 


Fast forward to August. My dealer comes out and installs an "ihiji monitoring device" to make sure things are cool with internal/external bandwidth. Nothing. 


He also emailed me the following: ". I have contracted Control4 and checked with them. They said that Rhapsody is having a problem with a couple of servers and they are trying to track down the issue. They are asking us to find out what songs our clients are playing when they have a problem to help them locate which server is having an issue. Control4 is also running test on their systems and passing information to Rhapsody. How is your TuneIn working. Not a Control4 problem but is still a pain."


Really. A couple servers eh? How many months to localize the problem? I also picked a bit of a fight with C4 on Twitter and got the same "We are still working with @Rhapsody to get this issue resolved. I know that it has been frustrating,thank you for being patient."


But I'm no longer patient. What kind of company/service has a tech issue so many others have and don't address it for such a long time? I'm new to the C4 world but have had nothing but constant issues since the day after install. 


turls,HookedOnC4 - I feel you. Unfortunately this doesn't appear as if it's going to be resolved any time soon. We've all been given a huge run-around with no transparency. As I told C4 on Twitter at least give me Spotify or Pandora or something else. Course that probably wouldn't work either. 


CEDIA starts today in Denver and my dealer is meeting with the C4 reps and has a list of things to ask them. Specifically: "Rhapsody is on the list to try and get some better answers."


I'll post anything else I hear from my dealer after the conference ends.



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