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Rhapsody cutting songs

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What's strange is why they update support tickets saying they have no issue with Control4 users besides me.  Glad to see you seem to be having better luck than I had.  Like I said, hard to believe how serious they are if they don't have their ducks in a row on what group of users have this issue.  That would seem to be a key to solving the problem in a timely manner.  Time will tell.

I'm working with the C4 rep. And trust me your not the only one.

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Latest from Rhapsody on the issue:

"We have few customers reported that they are having trouble to play full length tracks from Control-4. We do not have any official information on Control-4 contacting Rhapsody and working on the issue. However I hope Control 4 is working to release the firmware update to fix the issue.

We will respond to you if we have any update from Control-4."

So now all of a sudden it requires a "firmware update" to fix the issue, and they are placing everything back on C4, according to my contact (which honestly I'm still not sure I'm getting the whole story from).

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Initial testing shows playing Rhapsody through Sonos doesn't have the cutoffs.  That is very inconclusive at this point since the issue has been intermittent and also I haven't tested that long.  That would point the finger back at something in Control4, I believe.  IF that continues to be the case.


And no, playing through Sonos is no substitute long term.  First, it takes away a source from my household, and second, the integration is not as good even with the EV driver.

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We upgraded to latest C4 software last Fri and no longer can play any song. The songs all show up on display but can't play any of it. When I press play the error message on bottom of the screens says Stream error: Success. Before the upgrade there is a big lag in the begging of the each song lasting around 30 sec's but now no songs can be played. If I keep pressing play on occasion network issue error comes up as well.


I give it couple more days before canceling Rhapsody and forget about this crap. Intune and Pandora works fine. 

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Latest from Rhapsody on the issue:

"We have few customers reported that they are having trouble to play full length tracks from Control-4. We do not have any official information on Control-4 contacting Rhapsody and working on the issue. However I hope Control 4 is working to release the firmware update to fix the issue.

We will respond to you if we have any update from Control-4."

So now all of a sudden it requires a "firmware update" to fix the issue, and they are placing everything back on C4, according to my contact (which honestly I'm still not sure I'm getting the whole story from).



We aren't working with them but we know it requires a firmware update? Seems odd.


Also odd that a firmware update would be required all of a sudden, when current firmware was doing this properly until recently? What happened on Rhapsody's side to require an update on Control4's side?


Mind you I'm not belittling the issue you guys are having, but I find this a rather odd situation? Instead of everyone pointing fingers, everyone's trying a little to hard to not point fingers?

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Nothing since August 18th from C4 rep.

Rhapsody emailed me today and wanted to know when this started.

Told them August 8th.


The person we are dealing with that is the C4 rep is a 3rd party in Rhode Island--my guess somebody they hired to deal with social media.  Which is great they have social media covered, but I'm starting to wonder if Control4 is really taking this seriously (or at least not working on it at the speed the forum would like).  I've offered to work with them since I have Sonos Rhapsody for comparison purposes, 2 days ago she said she would pass that on, and I've heard nothing else back. On the other hand, 2 days ago she said "Control4 hoped to be near a solution soon"


This is an internet forum, we need more specifics than that ;)


I got the same e-mail from Rhapsody asking when it started.  I don't have an exact date, but I gave them an estimate.


We aren't working with them but we know it requires a firmware update? Seems odd.


Also odd that a firmware update would be required all of a sudden, when current firmware was doing this properly until recently? What happened on Rhapsody's side to require an update on Control4's side?


Mind you I'm not belittling the issue you guys are having, but I find this a rather odd situation? Instead of everyone pointing fingers, everyone's trying a little to hard to not point fingers?


At the very least its clear the left hand doesn't really know what the right hand is doing.  What we are hearing from Rhapsody doesn't match with what we are hearing from Control4.  If they are "close to a solution," why 2 days later is Rhapsody asking when exactly it started?

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I got an e-mail today with more assurance that Control4 is still working on the problem.  I'm to the point that I'm not going to waste any more time with my ticket with Rhapsody unless they ask me specific questions or if this drags out for more than a few more days.  I still haven't had this issue one time with Rhapsody through Sonos connected to C4.


Sorry controlfouruserguy, but I think this issue is either with C4's implementation or a local config issue they are going to identify and Rhapsody may be off the hook, or at the very least can't be expected to fix the problem on their own without some change on the C4 side.  That doesn't mean Rhapsody didn't break it for C4, but since they didn't break it for anybody else it sounds like...I mean they are in a ton of devices, not as many as Pandora, but still quite a few and it seems C4's native implementation is the only one affected.

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I got an e-mail today with more assurance that Control4 is still working on the problem.  I'm to the point that I'm not going to waste any more time with my ticket with Rhapsody unless they ask me specific questions or if this drags out for more than a few more days.  I still haven't had this issue one time with Rhapsody through Sonos connected to C4.


Sorry controlfouruserguy, but I think this issue is either with C4's implementation or a local config issue they are going to identify and Rhapsody may be off the hook, or at the very least can't be expected to fix the problem on their own without some change on the C4 side.  That doesn't mean Rhapsody didn't break it for C4, but since they didn't break it for anybody else it sounds like...I mean they are in a ton of devices, not as many as Pandora, but still quite a few and it seems C4's native implementation is the only one affected.

When I had problems years ago I was told by C4 corporate that the C4 users were on an older rhapsody server that had a specific API for C4.

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...Sorry controlfouruserguy, but I think this issue is either with C4's implementation or a local config issue they are going to identify and Rhapsody may be off the hook, or at the very least can't be expected to fix the problem on their own without some change on the C4 side.  That doesn't mean Rhapsody didn't break it for C4...

I have no idea.  If Rhapsody "broke" it for Control4 users, where are the rest of the complainers?  

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I have no idea.  If Rhapsody "broke" it for Control4 users, where are the rest of the complainers?  


I still don't know where you are coming from on this.  How many active users this forum have Rhapsody and would absolutely post if they did?  And if they play short songs, they might not ever see the issue.  Many songs I play are over 5 minutes long.  The issue is only a few weeks old.  I'm actually really surprised there is as much consensus as we see here.

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^While not exactly "on your side", I'm not here to fight either.  Take a look around at all the first time posters with the simple problems.  They may have tried their dealer first but in the end, they come here- simple stuff, not "epidemic" like what this is made out to be.  I fully expected many more than the 10 or so here to be reporting if they had it.  There's not a day that goes by where less than two streams are running here.  I would guess many run Rhapsody daily.  Are all of you on 2.5.3?  Nobody has given much detail about their system config- just assume it's either Rhap or C4 at fault.  If they patch to certain config someone better be sure it works on ALL configs.  Best case for those not experiencing any problem is to ignore such a patch.


Again, I'm not taking the time to post here because I don't experience the same trouble & proud of it,  I'm here to address your comments specifically.  

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A large group here have given the specifics to C4/Rhapsody that they've asked for.  If they needed more detail they would ask for it.  If I was on something other than the newest (2.5.3), its the same as my fast internet that doesn't have any trouble with other streaming content.  I'd mention it if I felt it was relevant, but just posting that level of detail here does nothing to solve the issue.


I understand what you're saying, but if it was happening to you you might be singing a different tune.  I know you're a smart guy so maybe we have to agree to disagree on this one.


Nobody has given much detail about their system config

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I have no idea.  If Rhapsody "broke" it for Control4 users, where are the rest of the complainers?  

Whats your problem?!!?  Who cares if you aren't having the problem...move on.  I'll be sure to follow your threads complaining of issues in the future to let you know that I'm not experiencing the same issue...maybe that will make your issue disappear.

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Whats your problem?!!?  Who cares if you aren't having the problem...move on.  I'll be sure to follow your threads complaining of issues in the future to let you know that I'm not experiencing the same issue...maybe that will make your issue disappear.

I explained, my stance is is it not about who has or doesn't have the problem.  Do you see the level you are at with this issue?  Come on, yesterday it was Composer Pro, today it's Rhapsody and what will it be tomorrow?  And, who knows, it may start screwing-up here next week.  In that case, I switch to another mode of operation and keep family members happy.  You guys have back-ups to this problem.  "Whoever" will fix it sooner or later.  And, when they do, I hope nothing goes sideways in the process.


Digital- I come on here and report problems very infrequently and at a level that is not alarming.  If I get no response, I move on and try my best to find a way around it.  HA is far from perfect and should be kept in the mind as such.  You want play tit for tat, you do it with someone else.

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A large group here have given the specifics to C4/Rhapsody that they've asked for.  If they needed more detail they would ask for it.  If I was on something other than the newest (2.5.3), its the same as my fast internet that doesn't have any trouble with other streaming content.  I'd mention it if I felt it was relevant, but just posting that level of detail here does nothing to solve the issue.


I understand what you're saying, but if it was happening to you you might be singing a different tune.  I know you're a smart guy so maybe we have to agree to disagree on this one.

I appreciate what your saying.  I think it's important to understand why systems do function properly- not just why they went sour.  I don't view this as a argument and I've stated that before.  I wish for all posting here with a problem that it won't last long.  We're be waiting to see posts about that patch when it becomes available.

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