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Rhapsody cutting songs

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I opened a case, and got on Twitter about this including both @Rhapsody and @Control4 in the tweets (one had a screenshot).  Already heard back from C4 Twitter (KA), but nothing yet from Rhapsody.  So hopefully its on the radar at C4 at least now.

Rhapsody said they have escalated the issue...

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I'm going to private message some in this thread with an e-mail address for the person I am working with at Control4 through Twitter messages.  She is looking for your Rhapsody user name, location, and some songs that give you issues.  If I miss anybody please PM me!

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Control4 contact has confirmed she has received info from some of you.  Thanks for sending that on.  Still happening to me this morning so perhaps not an easy fix.


If you have a case open with Rhapsody might not hurt to pass that number on to her too.  She said they are working with Rhapsody.

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Control4 contact has confirmed she has received info from some of you.  Thanks for sending that on.  Still happening to me this morning so perhaps not an easy fix.


If you have a case open with Rhapsody might not hurt to pass that number on to her too.  She said they are working with Rhapsody.

I have been sending exact times and songs to the contact you sent.  Hope it helps.

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I just tried it again and the same songs are cutting off around the same point in the song. I'm in British Columbia. I'm keeping my fingers crossed to this getting fixed because its major part of my C4 usage.

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Nope- 5 songs in and no problems.  I don't have any background whatsoever with this problem but did you try to pull a RESET/ACTIVATE on the agent?  What kind of internet service are we talking about here?  I find it hard to point the finger at Rhapsody...

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Nope- 5 songs in and no problems.  I don't have any background whatsoever with this problem but did you try to pull a RESET/ACTIVATE on the agent?  What kind of internet service are we talking about here?  I find it hard to point the finger at Rhapsody...


Ok, what is so hard to believe that this is a Rhapsody issue?  In any case, they have been given specific songs, accounts, and in some cases specific times of the issue.  Why can't they explain exactly what happened with logs and tell us what we need to do instead of giving generic mostly non-C4 specific advice and being generally unhelpful?


The issue has always been intermittent, it is just much worse now for me than before, and has been for the past week+.  I could understand there being an issue that needs some kind of a reset (this has been done on my account by the way--not that Rhapsody support gave me this specific course of action, since all they give is generic support to us Control4 users so far from what I've seen), but I would expect it to not play at all if that was the case, not cut out intermittently....


And even IF that is the case, the agent/driver should be more robust than just skipping to next song instead of trying to start where it left off...


I do have somebody at C4 looking at it as noted, the problem is on my support ticket Rhapsody refuse to acknowledge that Control4 has even contacted Rhapsody, even though they should have heard from C4 a day or two before I got this response on my ticket.  Control4 had my Rhapsody ticket number well in advance of this communication, so at the very least this is very poor communication.  My ticket should note the C4 contact, even if it isn't a problem with Rhapsody or Control4, otherwise how can they track down what the users that are having this issue (which is over a half dozen that we know of JUST FROM THIS THREAD) have in common.


One other big note to this, isn't a little wierd that this issue started about the time they rolled out their new UNRADIO service which from initial reports increased their usage, therefore (likely) the stress on their servers??? (in the past month or so).  Seems like a pretty big coincidence doesn't it?  Maybe the lack of robustness in the app/agent was pushed over the edge by this change, or some other new incompatibility was introduced?



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Ok, what is so hard to believe that this is a Rhapsody issue?  

LOL, I don't know, because a guy in Florida and I don't have problems?  What do you want to hear?  If the Agent was duff all 37 registered, active & in good standing members would be here posting.  So far, one dealer has posted, how about the other extremely knowledgeable and humanly kind ones?  Since you didn't answer what type of internet service you have or whether or not you conducted extensive line quality tests on your connection, I can only speculate why you think it is solely on the shoulders of Rhapsody.

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Well I have TW and a solid network. Rhaposdy is the only thing I'm having trouble with.

We can have multiple tunein station going and we have reset everything that Rhaposdy has told us to do and now just waiting for the C4 rep. And Rhaposdy to work out.

It is a very strange issue and Rhaposdy help desk has assured me they are working on it.

My neighbor has Fioptic and he is having issues too.

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LOL, I don't know, because a guy in Florida and I don't have problems?  What do you want to hear?  If the Agent was duff all 37 registered, active & in good standing members would be here posting.  So far, one dealer has posted, how about the other extremely knowledgeable and humanly kind ones?  Since you didn't answer what type of internet service you have or whether or not you conducted extensive line quality tests on your connection, I can only speculate why you think it is solely on the shoulders of Rhapsody.


Please don't put words in my mouth.  I didn't say it was all on Rhapsody, but we pay them for a service that isn't being provided for one reason or another.  All I'm asking for is basic support using actual diagnostic data to find where the problem is--tools I have no access to and my dealer has no access to.  You know that the internet connection is just one variable in this. and frankly its irrelevant to respond to that.  If I had dial-up that would be another issue, but I have all kinds of streaming services (including DirecTV VOD, Vudu, etc) running just fine with no issues.  Time of day would be another one.  This is also an intermittent issue.  Too many variables to expect an end user to be able to figure out, that's why we engaged support.  Just different users playing the same songs doesn't really prove anything.


Sometimes this innocent until proven guilty schtick that seems to pervade this board gets old...

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What's strange is why they update support tickets saying they have no issue with Control4 users besides me.  Glad to see you seem to be having better luck than I had.  Like I said, hard to believe how serious they are if they don't have their ducks in a row on what group of users have this issue.  That would seem to be a key to solving the problem in a timely manner.  Time will tell.

It is a very strange issue and Rhaposdy help desk has assured me they are working on it.

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