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FollowMe Find My iPhone Geofence Driver


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What am I missing 

Trying to set email notification of arrival of one phone at destination to another phone.


Both setups work great in every other aspect of programming.

I am missing the obvious I guess.


I even read the instructions (embarrassed today )


Old age is crap

Sent you a screen shot.

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The Push notification is great. Is there anyway to add in the time of when the action was triggered? I had this when I had the programing set up to sent an email. "This event took place at time/date"


Maybe I am overlooking something? 

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Yes. To clarify. These are only used by smart polling, so they only show up when it's enabled.

I do see if you enable smart polling, they 'unhide'.


I don't use smart polling. My formula works well for me and how I use it. The way I drive to work, the speed limits, everything.


In version .96 or ,98 it was exposed and settable regardless of smart polling. I like being bale to set a location and when I get there, it automatically goes into a long polling interval without having to rely on other events firing in the code.

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I will see if I can come up with a solution in an update. My goal has been to make standard polling a fully user adjustable setting via the programming UI and reserve the automatic changing of update interval settings for smart polling. However, I am willing to make an adjustment to this if the majority of users of manual polling would be ok with an update interval while at a location feature while smart polling is not on. Just out of curiosity, I'm curious how many people use smart polling vs standard polling. I exclusively use smart polling. 

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Noticed, potential, new issue. Was using the native iOS maps app today with routing to my home. Upon my arrival my programming for the first time had not fired. I even waited outside approximately 2 min to see if it was just a timing fluke, but it never fired.

Attempting to recreate it again this evening

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Ok, this is confirmed as an issue...  Running iOS Maps app with routing active breaks the driver...


Find My iPhone: Version 1.0

01/11/14 21:58:06 : Requesting new location data.01/11/14 21:58:07 : A locate request was issued at 21:58:06, but the location has not updated.01/11/14 21:58:07 : Atempting to refresh for 29 more seconds01/11/14 21:58:12 : Polling.01/11/14 21:58:13 : Updated location data received for Chris' iPhone.[string "Lua Code"]:1034: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got nil) (ReceivedFromProxy)01/11/14 21:59:43 : Requesting new location data.01/11/14 21:59:44 : A locate request was issued at 21:59:43, but the location has not updated.01/11/14 21:59:44 : Atempting to refresh for 29 more seconds01/11/14 21:59:49 : Polling.01/11/14 21:59:50 : Updated location data received for Chris' iPhone.[string "Lua Code"]:1034: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got nil) (ReceivedFromProxy)01/11/14 22:00:32 : Requesting new location data.01/11/14 22:00:33 : A locate request was issued at 22:00:32, but the location has not updated.01/11/14 22:00:33 : Atempting to refresh for 29 more seconds01/11/14 22:00:34 : Requesting new location data.01/11/14 22:00:35 : Updated location data received for Chris' iPhone.[string "Lua Code"]:1034: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got nil) (ReceivedFromProxy)01/11/14 22:01:20 : Requesting new location data.01/11/14 22:01:21 : Updated location data received for Chris' iPhone.[string "Lua Code"]:1034: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got nil) (ReceivedFromProxy)01/11/14 22:01:44 : Requesting new location data.01/11/14 22:01:44 : Requesting new location data.01/11/14 22:01:45 : The device is now at home01/11/14 22:01:45 : Updated location data received for Chris' iPhone.01/11/14 22:01:45 : Smart Polling enabled. Chris' iPhone will be refreshed in 220 seconds.01/11/14 22:01:45 : Last refreshed at 10:01 PM.

At the end of this debug log I turned off routing and closed the iOS Maps app.  I refreshed my location using LogMeIn and it still did not get a location, I refreshed again after some time had passed and it finally got my current location and fired my welcome home programming as I was now sitting in my driveway. 


Let me know if you need additional information.  Going to test this tomorrow using other GPS routing apps to see if they cause issues at all.  I'm going to venture a guess that any app using the same service could very well interfere with this driver.  

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I just tried again while navigating to the car wash and everything worked fine. I have a suspicion that this is an issue with the auto updater not properly resetting the driver state. For anyone who is interested for their own driver programming, basically the Variables table is empty after a driver update, but if the driver tries to create the variable director says it already exist and this causes an error that stops the remainder of the initialization from running. I think this may be a bug with director. I don't know why this would be the intended operation. A controller reset should fix it if that's the case.

Can you confirm if you manually installed the latest version or if it came through auto update. Also when you get around to trying the controller reset keep us posted.

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Ok... First a break down of yesterday just for clarification. The driver could obtain my location data all day without issue, it wasn't until I started using the iOS Map app for navigation that the problem started and as soon as I turned off navigation the problem resolved within about 30 seconds and operation returned to normal.  Routing had to be active, simply having the iOS Maps app open did not create an issue.  This was repeated several times yesterday and always the same outcome. 


Today...  I rebooted MY HC800 and tried several scenarios and came to an interesting finding. If I'm using Maps to handle routing to anyplace other then my house the driver seems to function fine. However as soon as I use it to route to my home the drive can not get location data. 


I'll continue to run some scenarios 

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That's interesting. I'll give it a shot when I head home in a bit as well.

Hey Phil,


Why would polling turn on by itself? I have it set to 0 most of the time, especially on the weekend. Since doing a clean install to v. 1.0, it keeps turning back on. I know it was 0 all weekend, but today Got an alert 20 minutes after I was at work, telling me I'd arrived.


I VPN'd back into home and with Composer, and set polling to 0.


I just checked it again when I saw my GPS arrow on my phone light up. Its set back to 30 again. I know2 I've specifically turned it off 3x today.


Any ideas?

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I have an idea why it may be. The communicator stays connected with iCloud even when it's not requesting new location data. If your device sends location data without the driver asking, it would still see coordinates changing and fire events. I'm not sure, but this may be it. I'll do some testing.

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Hey Phil,


Why would polling turn on by itself? I have it set to 0 most of the time, especially on the weekend. Since doing a clean install to v. 1.0, it keeps turning back on. I know it was 0 all weekend, but today Got an alert 20 minutes after I was at work, telling me I'd arrived.


I VPN'd back into home and with Composer, and set polling to 0.


I just checked it again when I saw my GPS arrow on my phone light up. Its set back to 30 again. I know2 I've specifically turned it off 3x today.


Any ideas?

Just had this happen again today. I had polling set to 0 and somehow it woke itself up, turned polling on, and sent me a message.


Phil, I used to be able to turn it off by setting polling to zero. Looks like that doesnt stay off now.


Any ideas?


A message was displayed on Mike’s iPhone 5. Your message was displayed on this device at 6:33 AM on January 16, 2014. Use Find My iPhone on an iOS device or visit icloud.com/find on a Mac or PC to take additional action.
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Just had this happen again today. I had polling set to 0 and somehow it woke itself up, turned polling on, and sent me a message.


Phil, I used to be able to turn it off by setting polling to zero. Looks like that doesnt stay off now.


Any ideas?


A message was displayed on Mike’s iPhone 5. Your message was displayed on this device at 6:33 AM on January 16, 2014. Use Find My iPhone on an iOS device or visit icloud.com/find on a Mac or PC to take additional action.


I haven't been able to duplicate it, but I'm fairly certain I know why its happening. I will put out a minor update to address this soon. 

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No. I have tried many times to duplicate this with Apple and Tom Tom navigation. The only thing I noticed was that if I have navigation running, sometimes the email that I send to my device to let me know I have arrived or left a location is delayed in showing up on the phone. However, everything fires on time when I watch it on Composer with LogmeIn. 


Are you still getting Lua errors or just delayed events firing? The Lua error you were getting relates to a function that rounds a number. It looks like a nil value was getting sent to the rounding function instead of a number. 

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I haven't been able to duplicate it, but I'm fairly certain I know why its happening. I will put out a minor update to address this soon. 



Just wanted to let you know that I was away this weekend, set it to zero and the driver woke itself up. Glad you found a way to fix this. I will await the update. Thanks! 

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