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FollowMe Find My iPhone Geofence Driver


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Mine.hasn't been tracking since last update. If I pull up the list it does but that's it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mine did not work today, but it worked Friday when I came home from work. I had LUA open to log it. I have it set to 1250 seconds if at a location. Then it goes down to 420 at 9 miles away. Then at <5miles it goes to 45. At <3 miles it polls every 30 seconds until I get home.

Its supposed to open my garage door and turn on my lights and ESPN when I get home.


It never saw I was home. Part of it may be that I was on the phone.


But when I was in my driveway, I logged into find my phone and updated it manually and waited a few minutes. Nuttin.


I'm betting it doesnt update if you are using the phone.


When I looked in LUA at the actual polling data, I was <3 miles away from my house when it polled but it was still polling at 20 minutes. I was on the phone then and it never saw me getting closer to home.


I'll try it tomorrow and post the Lua data.



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Yes, this is a nitpick, but there's no such thing as LUA.


Lua is not an acronym, it's a name.  It should not be all upper case.


It's the Portuguese word for the moon.



Really Ryan? I'm certified in 4 languages. .NET is the same as .net and JAVA is still java.


I'm surprised you wasted the time to post that, but I modofied my earlier post so no one got confused with the the programming output tab and the Portuguese moon.


Anyway, I will have the lua output tonight to post. I'm betting it was because I was using the phone. Last Friday everything worked well. I have my trigger set at 3/4 of a mile and at that distance it should be polling me every 30 seconds till I reach home.

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What you are going to get the moon's output and post it? Ohhhh Lua, not lua :rolleyes:

Sorry you confused me there. ;)

Now THAT was funny, Nice one CyKinght. I shoulda known my response would trigger more responses.


Sorry about that for all the legit testers reading this:


Next time I stay silent even though it was my post that got oddly (very oddly) corrected.


So far, its polling correctly. I am at my work coordinates and have it set for 1250 seconds when at a location. I drive 17 miles here, so when it hits me and I'm not here, my other logic will kick in, lowering the polling to 7 minutes, 3 minutes, and finally 30 seconds.  This is what its doing since I toggled the update variable from 0 (0 as an update variable diables it) at 1:47pm today. It starts at my default (45 seconds), then realizes where I am. Then it goes to 1250 seconds. I leave at 4, so we'll see what happens then


12/10/13 13:47:56 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 13:47:57 : Last updated at 01:47 PM.

12/10/13 13:48:41 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 13:48:43 : Last updated at 01:48 PM.

12/10/13 14:09:31 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 14:09:32 : Last updated at 02:09 PM.

12/10/13 14:30:21 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 14:30:23 : Last updated at 02:30 PM.

12/10/13 14:51:11 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 14:51:12 : Last updated at 02:51 PM.

12/10/13 15:12:01 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 15:12:02 : Last updated at 03:12 PM.

12/10/13 15:32:51 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 15:32:52 : Last updated at 03:32 PM.


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Now THAT was funny, Nice one CyKinght. I shoulda known my response would trigger more responses.


Sorry about that for all the legit testers reading this:


Next time I stay silent even though it was my post that got oddly (very oddly) corrected.


Oh no need on my account to stay silent - but it was too good to pass up on.

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.NET is typically seen as the programming framework and .net is normally used to refer to the Top Level Domain.


You will pretty much never see Microsoft refer to their platform as .net


I'm looking at my collection of programming books in my office. vb.net, asp.net, and c#.net is just as common as .NET. I do agree as a .NET certified programmer that it is usually .NET when referred to as a language.

Having said that, this is a BETA TEST thread, NOT a spelling test. I was merely responding to a post about my post relating to this driver.

If you guys wanna start a naming conventions thread, be my guest. Lets not do it here though.



Ok then. Back to actual Beta test data. I left my office location at almost exactly 4pm. At 4:14 it still saw me at my office even though I was 5 miles away, so it waited another 20 minutes to poll me. At 4:35 it polls me at <3 miles and at 4:38 the driver says the event of arriving home has fired.


Then it takes another 10 updates to realize I am home. When I'm at a designated location, I have the polling set to 1250 seconds (20.8 minutes).


Here are my conclusions:


1. It doesnt work if you are on the phone when a polling req is sent.

2. Units of measure might be off. I have my trigger set to .75 miles or about 3 minutes away if it polls exactly at 3/4 of a mile (not likely). By the time I got home, my garage light was off. That takes 5 minutes. I think it sees me at home from much farther than 3/4 of a mile. I also have it set to poll every 30 seconds when I'm < 3 miles away. You can see that about 4:35 it starts hitting every 30 seconds.Then it behaves oddly when I get home. I doesn't see me as at my home location for almost 5 minutes of polling.

When it does, its at 4:43, 5 minutes after my driver registers me as home (see screen capture attached). Then it goes back to 1250 seconds polling correctly.


3. For some reason, Control4 events aren't firing fast enough. It looks like it takes 5-10 GPS polls to the phone before the Control4 events fire.

    Ex. When driver says I'm home, it should immediately switch to 1250 seconds polling. In my test it takes almost 5       minutes and alot of polls. Here is my Lua output:


12/10/13 13:47:56 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 13:47:57 : Last updated at 01:47 PM.

12/10/13 13:48:41 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 13:48:43 : Last updated at 01:48 PM.

12/10/13 14:09:31 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 14:09:32 : Last updated at 02:09 PM.

12/10/13 14:30:21 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 14:30:23 : Last updated at 02:30 PM.

12/10/13 14:51:11 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 14:51:12 : Last updated at 02:51 PM.

12/10/13 15:12:01 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 15:12:02 : Last updated at 03:12 PM.

12/10/13 15:32:51 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 15:32:52 : Last updated at 03:32 PM.

12/10/13 15:53:41 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 15:53:42 : Last updated at 03:53 PM.

12/10/13 16:14:31 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:14:32 : Last updated at 04:14 PM.

12/10/13 16:35:21 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:35:22 : Last updated at 04:35 PM.

12/10/13 16:35:22 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:35:22 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:35:22 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:35:22 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:35:24 : Last updated at 04:35 PM.

12/10/13 16:35:24 : Last updated at 04:35 PM.

12/10/13 16:35:24 : Last updated at 04:35 PM.

12/10/13 16:35:25 : Last updated at 04:35 PM.

12/10/13 16:36:52 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:36:53 : Last updated at 04:36 PM.

12/10/13 16:36:53 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:36:53 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:36:53 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:36:54 : Last updated at 04:36 PM.

12/10/13 16:36:55 : Last updated at 04:36 PM.

12/10/13 16:36:55 : Last updated at 04:36 PM.

12/10/13 16:38:06 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:07 : Last updated at 04:38 PM.

12/10/13 16:38:07 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:07 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:07 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:09 : Last updated at 04:38 PM.

12/10/13 16:38:09 : Last updated at 04:38 PM.

12/10/13 16:38:09 : Last updated at 04:38 PM.

12/10/13 16:38:57 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:58 : Last updated at 04:38 PM.

12/10/13 16:38:58 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:58 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:58 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:38:59 : Last updated at 04:38 PM.

12/10/13 16:38:59 : Last updated at 04:38 PM.

12/10/13 16:39:00 : Last updated at 04:39 PM.

12/10/13 16:40:28 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:40:29 : Last updated at 04:40 PM.

12/10/13 16:40:29 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:40:29 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:40:29 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:40:30 : Last updated at 04:40 PM.

12/10/13 16:40:31 : Last updated at 04:40 PM.

12/10/13 16:40:31 : Last updated at 04:40 PM.

12/10/13 16:41:59 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:42:00 : Last updated at 04:42 PM.

12/10/13 16:42:00 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:42:00 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:42:00 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:42:02 : Last updated at 04:42 PM.

12/10/13 16:42:02 : Last updated at 04:42 PM.

12/10/13 16:42:02 : Last updated at 04:42 PM.

12/10/13 16:43:30 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 16:43:32 : Last updated at 04:43 PM.

12/10/13 17:04:20 : Getting updated location data from apple.

12/10/13 17:04:21 : Last updated at 05:04 PM.



Driver says arrived home at 4:38 PM


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You ask why I post it?  Well, if you *ever* ask a question on any Lua forums, and call it LUA, you're not likely to get a response, without first getting this same discussion, and it becomes habit.


It bugs, and it's also good to get into the habit of calling something what it is.



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You ask why I post it?  Well, if you *ever* ask a question on any Lua forums, and call it LUA, you're not likely to get a response, without first getting this same discussion, and it becomes habit.


It bugs, and it's also good to get into the habit of calling something what it is.



Posting off topic or useless info in a very specific thread is called trolling. Not TROLLING :D


Please end this w/o another post to this thread.


If you'd like to enlighten me on programming language verbage, please message me directly. Lets try and focus on getting this cool driver to work well.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm looking into these concerns. I'm on vacation next week so I'm going to try to use the time to get all these little things worked out. I'm also pretty close to having an auto update feature working as well as a site that will allow people to grab the latest version of the beta and get a key emailed right away.

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Shoot. I wonder how long it's been doing that. I had a sharp drop in the number of request for beta testers lately. That may be why. I'll see if I can fix it.

Phileaton if it's easier my email is adam76551@gmai Left off the last part for email bots

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so if my wifes iphone is on a separate mobile me account, do i need to install two communicator drivers?...or just two device drivers?


Two communicators and two devices. You will also need to setup the connections manually between the appropriate device and communicator. It's just a matter of dragging and dropping in the connections tab of composer. Let me know if you have any problems.

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