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Dimmer stuck in update


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During the 2.4-2.5 update one of the dimmers got stuck in firmware 03.17.56m progress 0% . That dimmer is right beside one that did upgrade. My dealer told me to give it some time. That was almost 3 weeks ago and its still not working. Is there anything that can be do to complete the upgrade, or I will have to buy a new one?

Thanks for your help!

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You know, the more I think about this, the more angry I get.

Here you are working through a dealer, and they won't support you

I apologize.

PM me the name of the dealer and I will go to the top of Control4, until you have a dealer that will help you.

You deserve better treatment from a dealer.

I will wait for your PM


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Hey, the dimmer is in a area in the house I rarely use and I remember at odd times about it, but it DOES have to be fixed. Actually I havent called my dealer back, priorities are in another place right now. Just checking I can do anything to solve the problem before getting my dealer back here.

I have seen more serious problems and people dont get so upset about it!!

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