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Review and help with install Plan

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Hi guys

Please refer to my MS Paint masterpiece! LOL

Its pretty basic and trimmed down but gives the overviews of what I'm trying to do - most thats missing is just repetitions

My only issue is that I'm stuck on at this stage:

-To play say Apply TV audio over the speakers in Room 2, will it route itself through the AVR and then via ethernet to the amp or not (or via 232)? I'm thinking not?

And if not, how do we go about it (same will apply for any matrix input) given that this is going to be a multi room setup, that aspect is pretty important

-Rapsody, TunedIn, Pandora etc support out to those speakers also?


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The way things are done now anything hooked up to he matrix will not make it to the amp. If the devices hooked up to the matrix have simultaneous analog outputs you could do it that way. For tune in you will have to have another controller besides the 300.

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You'll need to run stereo for all sources (including the 300) to the C4 amp (using a DAC as required for sources that do not have a stereo out, such as the AppleTV) or sound is from the TV only in the one room and unavailable in any audio only rooms you might have.

As stated, to have TuneIn you NEED to have a different controller - HC250/800/1000.

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Thanks all

See updated 'drawing'

For Rapsody for eg - from the HC300 to the amp - will that then pass to the AVR via the network or is a direct connection required?

I don't see any point in running audio from your DVD or Sky box. Audio will pass over HDMI from those sources to your AVR and your TV.

You only need to run that back if you want to be able to play the audio from them through the in ceiling speakers in the room without the AVR.

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As for ceiling speakers vs tv speakers - even the chepaest ceilings offer better quality sound than most tv speakers, the questtion is more of placement and if you get (or dislike) the effect of the sound coming from overhead instead of from the front.

Do note that using the TV speakers will like mean you have to set the audio from the sources to (stereo) PCM - losing much if not all of the surround encoding to the AVR (depends on TV and HDMI switch capability).

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Rhapsody and TuneIn etc will NOT network to devices other than C4 controllers and speakerpoints - so yes you would need to have a stereo pair from a controller to the receiver.

I Mentioned his cable and his DVD player...we're talking about different things.

And you're right...in ceiling speakers produce better sound. However, I think there are advantages to keeping them separate (like I do in my house).

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And you're right...in ceiling speakers produce better sound. However' date=' I think there are advantages to keeping them separate (like I do in my house).[/quote']

Can you elaborate further please?

There are several reasons why I do this. One being that I like the sound coming at me from the display, not from overhead. A big reason though, is that we use announcements a lot and it allows announcements to fire over the overhead speakers without disrupting the sound the comes with the video.

There are other reasons too, but the 2nd one I mentioned above is the biggest.

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Rhapsody and TuneIn etc will NOT network to devices other than C4 controllers and speakerpoints - so yes you would need to have a stereo pair from a controller to the receiver.

I Mentioned his cable and his DVD player...we're talking about different things.

I realized that - but I was answering another one of his specific questions.

And you're right...in ceiling speakers produce better sound. However' date=' I think there are advantages to keeping them separate (like I do in my house).[/quote']

I'm not saying at all that one is better than the other - it's personal preference if nothing else, just pointing out the two main advantages/disadvantages - better sound but different "feel", potential loss of surround encoding.

Another option - one that I use for myself - is to have good speakers at the TV (in-wall or box) for "video audio" and in-ceilings solely for distributed music. Best of both worlds but it requires more amp outputs obviously.

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