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I just had the wife reset both my cabinets, so I will know if this fixes the problem, got my fingers crossed. My big issue, is if this does not and I need to update the software, I will have to pay to have it done after I just payed to have 2.3 done, oh well, such is life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My scheduler stopped working as well, running 2.3. Will try the reboot.

By the way, why is there no option to reboot from within composer home, you would think after so many years where the answer has always been to.. 'reboot', that they would add that option. Or am I missing something.

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It appears that initially the patch will be given to the dealers to patch manually. Then a short time later C4 is going to automate the patch to each system that doesn't have it. I can't speak for all dealers, but anyone that I have to manually patch that paid for the upgrade through us won't be charged for it.

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Thanks, the reboot worked, of course. Hopefully I can get that patch before the scheduler service stops responding again.

I would like to put it out there in the C4 suggestion box ;), that a reboot option would be nice from within Composer HE. I have my hardware in a network closet and getting to the back of the 800 to pull the plug/reboot is a pain.

I could simply power down my Power conditioner/Battery Backup, but that would reset all my devices which is not desireable since my network modem, router, and switches are also on the same Power conditioner. I would imagine there are others who use HE that would appreciate the same.

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