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Control4 and Solar Panels


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Hey Everyone!

I was wondering if C4 has standard drivers for Enphase Envoy Monitor? I would love to be able to to program, set triggers, etc. based on the output of the solar panel system. If not, does any one know if C4 integrates well with any type of solar panel system?


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11 hours ago, mujtaba.khokhar said:

Hi Alan 

I know this is an old topic, 

but did you ever get around to making this driver?



I did mess around with it a bit but it was chugging due to the amount of data it was spewing out.  Was spewing out data every 100ms and the HC250 i had at the time wasn't coping with it.

Honestly though if you want to monitor solar, incoming mains, etc just get eGauge.


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