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  1. Yesterday
  2. G'day probably best to jump onto chowmain technical support to discuss your requirements further Andy
  3. For me is fantastic lunch annuncments on my home. Now I have set a music withc pictures for all sunset time every day!!!! Other suggestion?
  4. I think adding another zone is possible, but there is a particular word combination that you have to use. Something like ‘group the kitchen and the living room.’ They will then combine one zone of music into two different zones. I forget which one comes first, it is definitely not intuitive. The last few times I tried it. I ended up turning off the zone because they grouped the currently playing zone with one that was off and turned the whole system off. I installed it in my new house and I am still trying to get it dialed in so I haven’t really been playing around with it since we moved.
  5. Latency is reduced on the fiber networks a lot. This is a benefit, and unless you’re moving large data you may not notice it.
  6. I hope they can fix and bundle it with the release of TVOS 18.1 on 10/28
  7. The latest 4.5.1 software was relatively recent, dated back in August.
  8. Mine is also offline. Did either C4 or Qolsys update something without our knowledge?
  9. Thanks for the responses Re: latency - I saw that mentioned multiple times in some reddit threads but I'm not sure what it would mean to me in real life - is it possible to explain what I may notice because of this reduced latency? One of the reasons I'm making the switch is that, living in Houston (Texas), we deal with hurricanes fairly frequently and, although we have a whole home generator supplying power during extended outages, we can't use the internet b/c Xfinity service would continue to be down (their local 'nodes' or whatever they're called require power) Some people have mentioned to me (including my direct next door neighbor who somehow got fiber to his house way before the rest of the street) that their ATT fiber internet never went down during, for example, the most recent extended power outage here caused by Hurricane Beryl
  10. Anyone have issues integrating Qolsys IQ Panel 4? It keeps showing up as offline with a yellow icon in Composer. And Lua shows this: OnNetworkBindingChanged(): idBinding = 6000 bIsBound = false OnNetworkBindingChanged(): idBinding = 6000 bIsBound = true OnNetworkReconnectTimerExpired: Attempting to reactivate network connection... Starting Timer: NetworkReconnectTimer If I power down the panel or disconnect it from my network, the icon would change to red. The below was done to try to integrate or troubleshoot. - Reserved IP (confirmed IP on panel info matches what was reserved) - Changed to 6 digit code (is this still necessary?) - Enabled 3rd Party Integration on IQ4 Panel and let it reboot - Installed driver with the token and made connections within 10mins of rebooting IQ4 after 3rd Party Integration is enabled - Tried making connections within via both methods, SDDP and reserved IP - Rebooted C4, IQ4, and router - Master reset the IQ4 Panel and restarted fresh - Tried regenerating the token What could be the issue? IQ4 is on software 4.5.1 and WiFi and cellular tests both passed. I was able to update the panel software via WiFi.
  11. Spammed, not hacked. This has happened in the past - like ads for offshore universities in Chinese.
  12. The speed increase may be somewhat noticeable but it depends on what you are doing. If you are downloading large files then you may see a speed increase. But for most things that you would do on a phone or tablet it won't make much differenced. If you are watching video the buffering may go slightly faster.
  13. So the driver updates every 10 minutes, but there is no way to increase or decrease the frequency?
  14. Well, this was the strangest control4 issue I have ran into in 15 years of using the platform. The remote installer switched the driver connection to serial (which didn't work when programing the DSC panel to serial and connecting the TL-280 via serial), so then I reprogramed the DSC back to IP and the remote installer switched the connection back to IP on the driver and now its working.... who knows
  15. I went through this same internet service swap a couple years ago...my take aways.... 1. I doubt you will realize any noticeable download speed increase via wifi with the new fiber service. You will probably notice some significant upload increase depending on what you are doing via wifi. Obviously for any wired devices, you would get the full 1 gbps. You may also notice that your latency is greatly reduced, but that can be area dependent. 2. You will want to configure the ATT gateway in 'Pass-through' mode. This will make the gateway just act as an authentication tool for AT&T service, and all internet traffic will pass-through from AT&T directly to your Araknis router. You shouldn't have to change anything in your router to accomplish this, but you will need to configure the AT&T Gateway. In my experience, the AT&T installers don't typically handle this configuration for you, but you may get lucky with yours. 3. My switch from Xfinity to AT&T was seamless and completely transparent to my Control4 Integrations / setup, but I am bypassing the AT&T hardware completely. 4. I can't think of anything else. It should be pretty painless.
  16. Has anyone here tried experimenting with AI music apps? I know that a lot of people think that music AI tools are bad and harmful, but for me music AI is really interesting. You can mess around with voices and sounds, not bad at all for creative exploring. I was just wondering did any musicians try it out? So far I found best performances in AudioModify, what are your experiences?
  17. Install supposed to occur this Saturday, some questions: 1. Currently I have 800 down / 25 up with Xfinity - the Araknis WAPs I have spread through the house are capable of something like 300 down on 2.4 GHz and 800 down on 5GHz - will getting the 1Gig fiber plan (1 G up / 1 G down) be noticeable since my WAPs are not capable of realizing those speeds? I mean noticeable as compared to my current Xfinity speed 2. My dealer has told me the easiest thing to do is to have the ATT tech install the 'gateway' or whatever they call it as purely a replacement to the cable modem but still have my Araknis router actually handle the internet connection (he may have used other terms but I can't remember exactly). He said that if the ATT tech installs the gateway to serve the purpose of the router, then a lot of reconfiguration will be needed in terms of specific ports, etc I have setup inside the Araknis router 3. Will switching from cable to fiber in any way break any of my Control4 integrations or setup? I'm assuming if I follow my dealer's instructions in #2 then the answer is no but if the tech doesn't follow those instructions then the answer may be yes 4. Anything else to keep in mind or keep a look out for or 'buzz words' to mention to the tech so that the install goes well and, importantly, nothing gets screwed up in the process? Thank you in advance
  18. Hi, Yes, I have switched on KNX Secure but the question is what is the KNX IP Backbone Key or what do I have to enter there? I have deactivated all the filters in the KNX router and everything should go through as far as traffic is concerned. I don't have any other settings. The router is a Siemens KNX IP Router N146/03 If I turn off secure it works without problems but since I have KNX RF in the KNX Line I wanted to use Secure Best Regards Stephan
  19. did you enable knx secure on the knx routing driver within composer? did you pass also secure group addresses to the network? (setting in ETS)
  20. I would not say we have been hacked. That is incorrect there is someone abusing the registration process
  21. @msgreenf - I’ve no idea who this guy is creating 100s of topics about TEMU savings (I’ve also no idea who TEMU is but we we’ve clearly been hacked! Maybe we need a rule in future that you can create no more than 1 topic a day until you have 10 topics. No more than 2 a day until you have 50 etc. Not sure if that is easy? Of course a clever bit will just creat 100 profiles to create 100 topics… so one needs to attempt to make sure that everyone registering is human…
  22. We have a project that has an Ecobee thermostat for the master bedroom located on the far side of the house. We added a sensor but it keeps disconnecting. Are there any 3rd party wired sensors or any way to resolve this issue?
  23. Last week
  24. Is there a C4 driver for this newly released speaker?
  25. Also I don't know what the requirements about 220 and 110 being in the same box. the contactors obviously can handle both and even low voltage i believe if i wanted to. For LV with what i deal with at my actually job the boxes that share have dividers to seperate our LV wiring and the HV from the electrician.
  26. Ryan hit it on the head. I just grabbed an junction box for my water heater and shoved the contactor in there. For my pool it had the old mechanical dial style so i took that out and shoved in the contactor. It seems to be a tad more covered than what the mechanical timer did with its connections. Same for me i am not an electrician by trade just know enough to be dangerous in my own home.
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